Thursday, May 27, 2010

1.'' I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.''
I think this quote means that you don't know the key to learning but you do know the key to pleasing people and making people laugh.

2.''An Education isn't how much you have committed to memory or even how much you know it's being able to differentiate between what you do and what you know.''
-Anatole France (1844-1924)
I think this quote means that it does m not matter if you study as hard as you can it only matters what you do and how you committed to do i t.

3. ''It is possible to store in mind a million fact and till be uneducated.''
I think it means that you can put as many facts in you mind and still fail a quiz or test.

4.Always bear in mind that your own world resolution to success is more than other one.''
Abraham Lincoln
I think it means that your first idea might be 
better thanyour second/

5. Whosoever neglects learning in his or his/her youth looses the past and is dead to the future.'' 
I think this quote means that if you don't study that you wont be nothing and that you will be probably dead in the future because you will be in the streets and you will be homeless because you did not study and did not get aCurrier.

6.''What is money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to sleep in night and between does what he wants and needs to do .''
-Bob Dylan 
I think this quote means that if you want to get paid/make money you have to do stuff during that time so that you can get that money.

7. "If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart,it is notsuccess at all.''
-Anna Quindlen
I think this quote means that like if you do something and other people think it is cool and you think that its bad/you do not like ,you would not feel good inside and you will feel bad

8. ''The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees their goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication.''
-Cecil B. De Mille
I think this quote means that if you want to do something you should go out and reach for it don't let it pass by.

9.''Success in business requires training and discipline andhard work. But if you're not frightened by these things, the opportunities are just as great today as they ever were.''
-David Rockefeller
I think this quote means that if you want to own your own business man\women you are going to require of discipline and training that requires hard work .But if you don't want to take those requirements then you will not achieve your goals of being a business man\women.

10. ''Nothing succeeds like the appearance of success.''
-Christopher Lasch
I think this quote means that nothing will go on without the appearance of a person that succeeds .
11.''My world is bond, and bond means life, and I shall give my life before my word shall fail.''
-Elijah Muhammed,1933
I think this quote means that bond is like you life and if you give your life way than your world will mean nothing because you died already or you don't care enough 
about your life that you will just let everything just pass by and not get it.

12. ''Any sufficiently advanced technology is 
indistinguishable from magic.''
-Clark Third Law (1961)

I think it mean that you have to believe in technology as much you believe in magic.

13.''Technology is a way of organizing the universe so that man doesn't have to experience it.''
-Max Frisch

This quote means that technology helps men be organized with their stuff.

14."This is why I love technology ;if you used it right, it could give you power and privacy."
-Cory Doctorrow

I think this quote means that if you know how to use technology in the right way you could find a way to get privacy and nobody will bug you.

15."Technology is dominated by two types of people:those who understand what they do to manage ,and those who mange what thy do not understand.''
-Archibald Putt
I think this quote means that technology is two things its what people know about it and what people think they know about technology.I think that is what it means.

16.''Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons.''
I think this quot means that humans are using technology for the wrong reasons.

17.'' For a successful technology,reality must take precedence over public relation, for nature cannot be fooled .''
I think this quote means that technology makes precedence over public reality,for nature cannot be 

18. ''There is an evil tendency underlying all our technology , the tendency to do what is
reasonable even when it isn't any good.''
I think this quote means that you can do something reasonable that isn't any good but it will still be right .

19.''If we value the pursuit of 
knowlege, we must be free to follow whereever the search may lead us. The free minds is not a barking dog to be tethed on a ten-foot chain.''
-Adlai E. Stevenson

I think this quote means that if we want to succede in something you have to follow your dreams and dont let it pass buy.

20.''All that belongs to us is time; even he who has nothing else has to.''
Baltasar Gracian
I think this quote means that time is short and who cares is someone else don't use there time wisely.

21.''An unhurried sense of time is in itself a form of wealth.''
-Bonnie Friedman
I think that this quote means if you use time wisely it will be rewarded later.

22. ''Time is the coin of your life.It is the only coin you have,and you can determine how it will be spend.Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.''
-Carl Sandburg
I think this quote means that a coin is like your life you can spend it junk food or use it for a good cause. For your life you can be successful or you can not be successful.

23.''Time is a cruel thief to rob us for our former selves. We loose as much to life as we do to death.''
I think this quote means that as time pass by that time robs our life because it passes by.

24. ''If many time flies when you're having fun, it hits the afterburners when you 
don't think you're having enough.''
-Jeff Mallet
I think this quote means that time for us goes fast when we have fun, but you 
don't even notice it.

25.''It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.''
I think t
his quote means that you use your thoughts without accepting it.

26.''Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.''
-B.F Skinner
I think this quote means that education helps you survive and it helps you learn. 

27.''Education begins a gentelman, conversation completes him.''
-Dr. Thomas Fuller
I don't really know what this quote means but its a good quote.

28."The foundation of every state is the education of its youth."
-Diogenes Laetirus
I think th is quote means that anywhere you need education.

29."Only the educated are free."
I think this quote means that if you have an education you are free to do what you want to do and if you dont have an education than you are not free to do what ever you want.

30. "Next in importance to freedom and justice is popular education, without which neither freedom for justice can be permanently maintained."
-James A. Garfield
I think this quote means that without freedom and justice you are not educated.
31."You don't need fancy highbrow traditions or money to really learn. You just need people with the desire to better themselves."
-Adan Cooper and Bill Collage

I think this quote means that all you have to do to learn is think and that all you need is the desire to learn to learn something

32. "Education has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading."
-G.M. Trevelyan
I think this quote means that education is a good thing but if you don't know how to read then you
don't know what reading is worth.

33."The great aim of education is not knowledge but action."
-Herbert Spencer
I think this quote means that you should take advantage of education because if you don't then you are going to be no one in life.

34."American believes in education. The average professor earns more money in a year that a professional athlete earns in a week."
I think this quote means that if you want to earn more money then they might want to study to be a professor so that they can get all the money they want.

35." A well informed mind is the best security against the contagion of folly and vice. The vacant mind is ever on the watch for relief, and ready to plunge into error to escape the language of idleness.
-Ann Radcliffe
I think this quote means that your mind has a security that keeps out stuff that should not be in your brain.

36."The number of books will grow continually,and one can predict that the time will come when it will be a almost as difficult to learn anything from the books as from direct study of the whole universe. It will be almost as convenient to search some bit of truth concealed in nature as it will be to find it hidden in an immense multitude of bound volumes."
-Denis Diderot
I think this quote means that it is easier to learn from the books than learning from the universe.

37."Humans history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe."
-H.G Wells
I think this 
quote means that in history/ a long time ago there was a lot of racism going on.

university is what college becomes when thefaculty looses interest in it's students."
I think this quote means university comes after college.

39."That's what college is for; getting as many bad decisions as possible out of the way before you're forced into the real world. I keep a checklist of 'em on the wall in my room."
Jeph Jaques
I think this quote means in high school you can make as many bad decisions as you want but as soon as you get to college you are going to have to shape up and do the best you can.

40."Education has for it's object the formation of character."
-Herbert Spencer
I think this quote means that education gives you your character.

41."Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open heart."
-Malcolm Forbes
I think this quote means that education fills your mind with 
knowledge and education.

42."I have never let my schooling interfere with my education."
-Mark Twain
I think this quote means that you should never let other stuff get into your education.

43."To repeat what others have said requires education; to challenge it, requires brains."
-Mary Pettibone Poole
I think this quote means that if you read something that an educated person wrote than you are going to need brains to remember it.

44."Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get if you don't."
-Pete Seeger
I think this quote means that you learn from your mistakes.

45."Training is everything. The peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education."
-Mark Twain
I think this quote means that training is something very important.
46. "They know the purpose of education is: not to be frightened by the best, but to treat it as part of daily life."
- John Mason Brown (1900-1069)
i think this quote means that you should not be frightened to do what you want to do if life 
you should just proceedand do what you want to do is life.

47."The director in which education starts a man/woman will determine his/her future life."
-Plato (427 B.C.-347 B.C)
I think this quote means that a director is like a teacher that tries to direct you to the path that you want to go.

48."The every spring and root of honesty and virtue lie in good education."
-Plutarch(46A.D-120 A.D.)
I think it means that honesty is not a lie and lieing will not get you to college.

49."It is the ignorant who despise education."
Pubilius Syrus(-1000 B.C)
I think this quote means that you are an ignorant if you throw education in the trash.

50."The secret of all success is to know how to deny yourself. Prove that you can control and you are an educated person without this all other education is good for nothing."
-R.D. Hitchcock
I think this quote means that you should not deny yourself because you cant do something like for example pass a test you should not give up you should study for the test and try your best to A's it.

51."A college degree is not a sign that one is a finish product but an indication a person is prepared for life."
-Reverend Eduard A. Mallon
I think this quote means that  a college degree does not mean that your finish with your education it means that you  are ready to start your carrier f being what ever you want to be.

52."Education  is the ability to listen to almost anything without loosing your temper or your self-confidence."
-Robert Frost (1874-1963)
I think this quote means that when someone tells you what to do you don't have to get your attitude at them you have to control yourself or else you wont succeed in life."

53."Education is a kind of continuing dialogue, and a dialogue assumes in the nature of the case, a different point of view."
-Robert Huchus (1899-1977)
I think this quote mean that education has a different points of view.

54."The advantage of a classical education is that it enables you to despise the wealth that it prevents you from achieving."
-Russell Green
I think this quote means that education is the thing that is going to open the doors to the path that you are going to want to open.

55."Perhaps the most variable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not; it is the first lesson ought to be learned; and however early a man's training begins, it is probably the last that he learns thoroughly."
-Thomas H. Huxly
I think this qoute means  that it is good that you do what you have to do  to get the education that you want, even if you think that it is to much to do.
56."Education is a progressive discover of our own ignorance."
-Will Durant (1885-1981)
I think this quote means that you can discover education by just doing what ever it will come to you when you least expect it. 
57."I respect faith, but doubt is what gets you an education." 
-Wilson Mizner
I think this quote means that you sometimes need to doubt yourself to at least get a little of anger in you that is going o make you focus more in your education.
58."Education is like a double-edged sword. It may be turned to dangerous uses if not properly handled."
-Wu Tang Fang
I think this quote means that  if you don't take education seriously something might happen  and you are not going to like it.

59."Learning is not obtained by change, it must be sought with ardor and attended to with diligence."
-Abigail Adams( 1744-1818)
I think this quote means that  you should adore education and that you should actually take education and don't let it pass by you.

60."Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is precious."
-Confucius (551 B.C-479 B.C.)
I think this quote means that to learn you suppose think because if you don't think than what are you going to learn. 

61."This is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you've understood all your life, but in a new way.
-Doris Lesig
I think this quote means that you learn things that you already know but i a new way and then you figure out that you already known that because you didn't pay attention in  one class and you realize that you learned it already.  

62."Only the curious will learn and only the resolute overcome the obstacles to learning. The guess quotinent always excited me more than  the intelligence quotinent." 
-Eugene S. Wilson
I think this quote means that  only if you look for education you will find it, education will never come to you.  

63."Whoever ceases to be a student has never been a student."
-George Iles
I think this quote means that your a student when you go to school and study. 

64."The wisest  mind  has something yet to learn."
-George Santanayana
I think this quote  that if you are wise that you may learn from it.

65."Much learning does not teach understanding."
I think this quote means that if you already learn alot of thing that you don't have to teach someone to understand it only if you wan to. 

66."Never seem more learned that the people you are with. Wear your learning like a pocket watch and keep it hidden.Do not pull it out and count the hours, but give the time when you are asked."
-Lord Chesterfield(1694-1773)
I think this quote that you should keep your smartness away and only answer with smartness when you are asked.

67."We learn by example and by direct experience; because there are real limits to  the adequacy of verbal instruction.
-Malcolm Gladwell
I think this quote means that we learn from people giving examples but there are limits of the instruction  you are given.

68."What is to keep learning, to enjoy challenge, and to tollerate ambiguity? In the end there are no certain answers."
-Martina Horner
I think this quote means that learning could be fun and but in the end there is no correct answer. 

69."Whenever you are asked if you can do a job,tell'em, certainly I can! Then get busy and find out how to do it.
-Theodore Roosevelt
I think this quote means that its not always late to learn something new like a job for instance.

70."Learning is not compulsory...neither is survival."
-W. Edward Deming
I think this quote means that survival is not educational u should do that on your own.
71."You learn more quickly under the guidance of experienced teachers.You waste a lot of time going down blind alleys if you have no on e to lead."
-W.Somerset Maugham
I think this quote means that you learn more if there is someone teaching you and if they teach you well.

72."An undefined problem has an infinite number of solution."
-Robert Humphrey
I think this quote means that if you have a problem there are lots of solutions to your problem.
73."All men by nature desire knowledge."
-Aristotle (384B.C.-322 B.C.)
I think this quote means that all men like knowledge/ education.
74."I never teach my pupils. I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they learn."
-Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
I think this quote means that you don't teach your eyes your eyes teach you because they are the ones that bring to you all the thing that you see.
75."To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act."
-Anatole France
I think that this quote means that if you want to be something or someone you suppose to dream about it and you have to act that you have to act like you want to be that person that you want to be.
76."Those who dream, by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who only dream by night."
-Edgar Allan Poe
I think this quote means that dreaming by day is a totally different experience.
77."I do not want to die...until I have faithful made the lost of my talent  and cultivated  the seed that was planted in me until the last small twig has grown."
-Kathe Kollwitz ("O" Magazine)
I think this quote means that some people don't want to die till they did what they had to do and when they did what they have to then they will accept the fact that they are going to die.
78."Human begins have an inalienable right to invent themselves."
-Germaine Greer O Magazine, 2002
I think this quote means that us humans have the power to invent themselves how ever they want if they want to be strong they can be able to go to the gym and work and they can be what ever they want.  
79." They say dreams are the window of the soul-- take a peek and you can see inner workings."
-Henry Bromel(Northern Exposure The Big Kiss 1991)
I think this quote means that if you see through your self that you may see he person that you may see in the future.
80."Character is like a tree and reputation like it's shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing."
-Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
I think that this quote means that you are a real thing and that your shadow is just a shadow; its nothing.

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